We produce a range of documents that guide and show how we work together to address drug/alcohol problems in the city.
EADP Lived & Living Experience Panel – Published
Read the report on our Lived and Living Experience Panel.
Cocaine and crack cocaine conference and draft action plan
Please read our report on our latest conference – Edinburgh Alcohol And Drugs Partnership
& Change Grow Live Cocaine And Crack Cocaine Conference, 23rd May 2024
EADP Annual Reports
The reports summarise our progress within the EADP.
Strategy Development Co-production 2024-27
Read about how you can help develop the EADP strategy 2024.
MAT Standards Implementation Plan
Edinburgh’s Medication Assisted Treatment standards implementation plan describes the local plan for improving the accessibility, quality and capacity of Medication Assisted Treatment services. it was published in October 2022.
The role of Family and Friends in recovery from addiction:
This describes our understanding of the importance of support by and for the people around people using drugs or alcohol Family role in recovery from addiction
Drug Related Deaths Annual Reports
Our partners NHS Lothian produce an annual report describing drug related deaths across the city.
Hear our Voice
This framework sets out how we work together with people with lived experience of addiction and recovery to improve our responses to drug/alcohol problems.
This section includes a selection of key EADP documents. If you cannot find a report which has been on this website previously or require specific information, please use the contact form