EADP does not run an ongoing training programme. However the following organisations will be able to help with training and staff development:
Scottish Recovery Consortium
Broad range of training on developing recovery oriented systems of care
T: 0141 552 1355
Lothian Harm Reduction Team training
A programme of training for those working with people with problem drug use
All enquiries by email ssc.trainer@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Scottish Drugs Forum
Training and development on issues relating to problem drug/alcohol use
T: 0141 248 6414
Crew 2000
Specialist training in relation to New Psychoactive Substances
T: 0131 220 3404
Alcohol Focus Scotland
Training on alcohol related issues, including alcohol licensing
T: 0141 572 6700
Drug and Alcohol Findings
Summaries of key research into drug/alcohol issues