Help for young people who use drugs (including alcohol)
The Young People Substance Use Services (YPSUS) is a partnership of Edinburgh agencies working with young people (up to the age of 21) who use drugs (including alcohol)
What we offer
- Advice and information: accurate and factual information about drugs and alcohol.
- One to one support: We offer a range of holistic support and will work with young people to explore what will best meet their needs. This includes creating a safe, confidential space for young people to talk to a worker about their concerns, set goals and/ or explore positive coping mechanisms
- Treatment: In addition to providing support, NHS Lothian’s Adolescence Substance Use Service (ASUS) can facilitate medical treatment for young people when indicated
How to access the service:
Young people can make contact themselves, be referred by a professional or come to a drop in. You can contact the Young People Substance Use Service on 0131 529 6700 during office hours or email or directly approach one of the individual services which make up the partnership:
South East Edinburgh and City-wide:
Crew, 32-32A
Cockburn Street, EH1 1PB,
0131 220 3404
North East (Portobello, Craigmillar and Gilmerton) and South West Edinburgh:
North East Edinburgh:
The Junction
82-86, Great Junction Street, Leith, EH6 5LL
0131 553 0570
North West Edinburgh:
18, West Pilton Park, EH4 4EJ
0131 552 0305
City wide:
ASUS (Adolescent Substance Use Service)
329 High Street, EH1 1YJ,
0131 529 6700