Our Digital Drop-in provides information, support and harm reduction advice about drugs including alcohol and sexual health, and is currently open online or by phone Mondays – Wednesdays, Friday – Saturday 1-5PM and Thursday 3-7PM. You can access information and C:card condoms and lube in person at our kiosk service 32 Cockburn Street EH1 1PB […]
Harm Reduction Team
The NHS Lothian Harm reduction team offers a range of help and advice, mostly for those who inject drugs • Low Threshold Medication Programme for injecting drug users via drop – in: substitute prescribing, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention and clinical psychology. Self – referral drop in is encouraged for clients motivated to change. Once stable, […]
North East Recovery Hub in Leith
The Recovery Hub is a one – stop shop which offers a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services. Each is run by a team of staff of voluntary sector, NHS and social work staff. The easiest way for most people to get support from their local Recovery Hub team is to […]
South West Recovery Hub
The Recovery Hub is a one – stop shop which offers a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services. Each is run by a team of staff of voluntary sector, NHS and social work staff. The easiest way for most people to get support from their local Recovery Hub team at present […]