Our Digital Drop-in provides information, support and harm reduction advice about drugs including alcohol and sexual health, and is currently open online or by phone Mondays – Wednesdays, Friday – Saturday 1-5PM and Thursday 3-7PM. You can access information and C:card condoms and lube in person at our kiosk service 32 Cockburn Street EH1 1PB […]
Group support/ treatment
ELCA Counselling Service
This service works with people aged 18 years and over who are worried about their own drinking. It also supports people who are worred about the drinking of a family member, partner or friend. It provides Drop-In services, advice, information and one to one counselling. It is based in Clifton Terrace. It has bases in […]
LEAP (Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence project)
LEAP is an intensive programme for people who want to stop drinking or using drugs. It is a therapeutic community. It supports people for three months, with structured activities every day. These include group work, workshops, presentations, education, and training. There are also recreation and relaxation activities. Detoxification can also be provided from modest amounts […]
North East Recovery Hub in Leith
The Recovery Hub is a one – stop shop which offers a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services. Each is run by a team of staff of voluntary sector, NHS and social work staff. The easiest way for most people to get support from their local Recovery Hub team is to […]
South West Recovery Hub
The Recovery Hub is a one – stop shop which offers a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services. Each is run by a team of staff of voluntary sector, NHS and social work staff. The easiest way for most people to get support from their local Recovery Hub team at present […]
South East Recovery Hub (Gilmerton)
The Recovery Hub is a one – stop shop which offers a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services. Each is run by a team of staff of voluntary sector, NHS and social work staff. The easiest way for most people to get support from their local Recovery Hub team at present […]