Edinburgh, EH1 2PW
Meets weekly on Tuesday at 14:00
Open to the family and friends of addicts. Meetings take place on Tuesdays 2pm – 3.30pm one week and 6pm – 7.30pm the next – PLEASE contact prior to attending.
SMART Recovery Meetings for Family and Friends affected by the addictive behaviour of a loved one
Being in a close relationship with someone struggling with an addiction can be a frustrating, painful and sometimes lonely journey, in which it is easy to lose one’s bearings.
The SMART Family & Friends programme invites participants to spend time concentrating on themselves and their goals, an area they may have been neglecting for some time. This includes looking at some of their habitual responses to their loved one and exploring whether these are helpful or not.
Meetings take place on Tuesdays, alternating between evenings one week, from 6pm to 7.30pm and afternoons the next from 2pm to 4pm.
If you would like more information about SMART Recovery and how it might help you, please contact Family Support – Addictions on 0131 622 6262 speak to a member of staff or Email: fsa@vocal.org.uk